Monday, August 31, 2009

Beyond Human Forgiveness

I have been thinking about my earlier post about forgiving those who hurt us and how hard it can be to do, and then I got to thinking about the forgiveness offered to us by God.

Human forgiveness is full of worry and rules about who should forgive first and we sometimes get caught up in these rules regarding who hurt who? who should apologise first? do they need to apologise? what happens if they don't apologise? God's forgiveness in so many ways is so much easier to gain.

God made the ultimate sacrifice by offering his son in our place, putting his son through death so that we wouldn't have to experience that, this act meant that us as sinful beings were able to be forgiven because the price of our debt has been paid. I know this gift didn't come without pain but I also know that this gift goes on and on and never expires.

While Humans remember the wrongs people make against them and struggle to forgive those who offend, God offers forgiveness to any who seek it and better than that he really does forgive AND forget!

I struggle to comprehend how this works and I have spent a lot of years believing that I'm no where near worthy enough to receive forgiveness and definitely not eligible to have my slate wiped clean- but it happened anyway. Regardless of my human failings when my struggles and mistakes are presented by me to God, the slate is wiped clean and I am free from all the hurt and pain.

The next step is to accept this forgiveness whole heartedly and then remember to forgive yourself the way you would forgive someone who has hurt you, acknowledge the wrong and then move on. I truly believe that accepting God's forgiveness and forgiving oneself is far harder than initially asking to be forgiven.

"He does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us." Psalm 103:10-12
Image via We Heart It

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